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Transform your content in one click
with the help of author's filters that improve video quality.

Video and Photo filters
Filters can be used in one click using a free mobile application, which is available for IOS and Android.

The quality of video when processing with filters and when posting on a social network does not deteriorate - and this is the most important thing I achieved!

I am very happy to use my filters in one click, which makes my video content even more aesthetic and high-quality!
3 simple steps that I described
in the instructions after purchase:
1. Download a free mobile application for iOS or Android

2. Add filters to the application

3. Watch my simple video tutorials - how to apply my filters to your videos or photos

.gold .btn { background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, #e9474a 0%, #70358f 50%, #1e4be2 100%); background-position: 40% 0 !important; background-size: 200% 200%; transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out !important; font-weight: 900; font-style: bold; font-family: montserrat; } /*Эффект для кнопки*/ .gold .btn:hover { background-position: 0% 0 !important; }
What's inside:

- 10 video filters that are also perfect for processing your photos

- instructions - how to use filters so that your videos or photos are perfect

Video and Photo filters
NOW 77$